- 文档部分内容预览:
- CSPC NANHAI PETROCHEMICALS PROJECT 中 海 壳 牌 南 海 石 化 Scaffolding Erection Procedure for ECU/LCI Steel Structure ECU/LCI钢结构安装脚手架搭设方案 一、搭设原则Building Principle: 确保施工作业人员的安全操作。在保证人身安全的情况下,考虑梁柱等吊装作业的通道和安装的方便性,以及脚手架搭设的简便。 Ensure safe operation of construction personnel, and pursue to the convenience of access of lifting activities (beam, column, etc.), installation and scaffold building in itself with the priority of safety. 二、脚手架的搭设方式Building method of....
- 钢结构施工组织设计
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