GB/T 8075-2017 混凝土外加剂术语
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- GB/T 8075-2017 混凝土外加剂术语
GB/T 80752017
GB/T 8075—2017
GB/T 80752017
GB/T 80752017
GB/T 8075—2017
抗冻融循环次数 5.29 抗硫酸盐侵蚀剂 4.19 抗渗压力比 5.25 抗压强度比 5.14
落度保留值 ....5.21
GB/T 80752017
再现性条件 再现性限 6.9 早强剂 4.8 早强型高效减水剂 4.2.3
GB/T 8075—2017
4.3.3 早强型普通减水剂 4.1.3 增稠剂 4.16.1 折固掺量 6.2.5 终凝时间 5.13.2
主要功能 着色剂 4.14 阻锈剂 4.20 1h沉隆距 5.35
GB/T 80752017
defoamer 4.12 defoaming agent 4.12 delayed addition method for admixture 7.7 difference in setting time ....... 5.13.3 dosage of admixture 6.2 dosage of liquid admixture in solid content 6.2.5
4.18 4.18 5.40
gas forming admixture 4.22
rdening accelerating admixtur ardening accelerating type high performance water reducing admixture ardening accelerating type high range water reducing admixture rdening accelerating type water reducing admixture gh performancewater reducing admixture gh rangewater reducing admixture
inclusive dosage method index of relative durability 5.28 initial setting time 5.13.1 initial slump ....... 5.20
dosage method relative durability 5.28 ting time 5.13.1 5.20
limit of ammonia emitted from the concrete admi
GB/T 80752017
Timit value of the harmful suhst
GB/T 80752017
tested concrete tested concrete cured in standard condition 6.16 tested concrete curing at minus temperature 6.17 tested mortar 6.12 thickening admixture 4.16.1 timeofflowcone 5.32 total of binder 6. total of cementitious material type inspection
GB/T 80752017
.... - 混凝土结构
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