- 文档部分内容预览:
- 第9章 桥梁结构的试验与检测 Chapter 9 Bridge Structure Test and Inspection 土木工程结构试验与检测 Testing and Inspection for Civil Engineering Structure 第9章 桥梁结构的试验与检测 Chapter 9 Bridge Structure Testing and Inspection 目录 Contents TOC o "1-4" h z u HYPERLINK l "_Toc500068122" 9.1 桥梁结构的静载试验(bridge static testing) 223 HYPERLINK l "_Toc500068123" 9.1.1 试验方案设计(test schematic design) 223 HYPERLINK l "_Toc500068124" 1.桥梁结构的调查(bridge structure investigation) 223 HYPERLINK l "_Toc....
- 检测试验
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