- 文档部分内容预览:
- 摘要:?? 排水管网渗漏的危害是多方面的,主要危害包括污染地下水、掏空道路基础和自身堵塞等现象。近年来频繁发生的道路坍塌等事件迫使重新审视排水管网的渗漏问题。本文通过分析一些现象与广大读者共同探讨管网渗漏的危害性,希望能起到抛砖引玉的效果。
关键词:排水管网?渗漏 ?危害
The hazards of the sewer system seepage
Abstract:?There are many kinds of hazards of the sewer system seepage, include polluting underground water, undercutting the base of the road, choking itself etc. The events of the road collapse let us to attach importance to the sewer system seepage. The article discussed the hazards of the sewer system seepage wi....
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